As noted in the previous post, there will be a series of workshops coming up this and next month.
- March 16th (1 - 4 PM): Grape IPM workshop
- This is a lecture-style meeting where we cover topics in disease, insect, and weed management, WPS, and Viticulture
- March 31st (12 - 1:30 PM): Grape disease management workshop (in English)
- This workshop aims to help you plan your disease management plan. We will go over seasonal disease management together.
- April 1st (12 - 1:30 PM): Grape disease management workshop (with Spanish translation)
- This workshop aims to help you plan your disease management plan. We will go over seasonal disease management together.
- April 9th (12 - 1:30 PM): training
- This is a training session for a new online pesticide management and decision support system for grape growers. We will help you set up accounts and first vineyard(s), demonstrate key functions, etc.
For the grape disease management workshops on 3/31 and 4/1 and training on 4/9, I will provide you a series of online lectures that you can watch before the meeting. Therefore, please register using this form (CLICK this line) so that I can send you an invitation to the lecture materials. At the time of each meeting, I will go over the key items, and we will spend most of the time with Q and A and discussions.
El Taller de Manejo de Enfermedades de Uva de Vino 2021, será presentado en forma virtual el 1ro de Marzo del 2021.
Este taller se presentara de una forma diferente. El Dr. Mizuho Nita ha preparado una serie de videos los cuales han sido traducidos al Español por Beth Sastre. Le recomendamos que usted vea los videos que le son de su interés en preparación para la presentación virtual. Los videos son de aproximadamente 20 min y abarcan conceptos de patologÃa de plantas, agentes biológicos y otros métodos alternativos de control de enfermedades, manejo para evitar la resistencia a los fungicidas y la presentación de la nueva herramienta in lÃnea llamada Si usted no tiene tiempo de revisar todo este material antes del taller, por favor revise el módulo principal. En el taller virtual nos enfocaremos principalmente en preguntas y respuestas.
Si está interesado/a por favor mande un correo a Beth Sastre a, para que le envié la invitación al curso y los videos y materiales necesarios.
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