This is another reminder about downy mildew. This post is probably more applicable to those of us who are in northern VA. We received several rain events in the past two weeks. Not all of them accounted for downy mildew infection risk events; however, recent warm and humid nighttime weather probably encouraged the downy mildew pathogen to produce spores. Here are recent downy mildew infection risks based on the NEWA's DMCast. Floyd, VA: Downy mildew risk events on 7/6, 11, and 15. (note: the temperature sensor has been fixed recently, and that's why it shows records from mid-June.) Red Hill, VA and Olympic Lake: If you are in central VA, please check your local weather station. It seems that the numbers vary quite a bit among them. Red Hill: downy mildew risk events on 7/2 and 8. Olympic Lake, downy mildew risk events on 7/2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, and 16. Winchester, VA: downy mildew risk events on 7/1, 5, 9, and 13. Protective materials for downy mildew are Ziram (FRAC M3, 21-day...