If you wish to attend upcoming grape disease workshops and grapeIPM.org training, please register using this form (CLICK this line) so that I can send you an invitation to the lecture materials. Grape Disease Workshop (3/31/21): I prepared a series of lectures to cover basic concepts and terminologies, which I often not able to explain due to the time limitation. Also, a short version of my "usual" workshop is now recorded. In my workshops, I assume you know some concepts and terms, so, if you are not familiar with some terms such as disease triangle, curative fungicide, QoI fungicide, FRAC group, fungicide resistance, biological control agent, etc, please check out the lectures. Each lecture runs less than 20 min, with an exception of the main workshop content, which runs around 26 min. If you do not have time to watch them all, please watch the main workshop content. On March 31st at noon , we will use Zoom to communicate. The link to the Zoom se...
Grape Disease Management Tips from Mizuho Nita (Grape Pathologist at Virginia Tech)