It's bit off-topic for this blog, but we have a series of presentations at a local Master Gardener class tonight. Here are slides and handouts for the meeting. The major topic is plant pathology and we cover signs and symptoms of diseases, abiotic disorders, nutrient management, plant disease management, and plant sample submission tips. Thus, some of regular audiences of this blog maybe interested in too. If you click on the link, it will open a new window for Google Drive that contains a PDF file of each presentation. Introduction to Plant Pathology, and Plant Disease Management Fundamentals (Two presentations in one) by Mizuho Nita A table of over-the-counter fungicides and their target grape diseases Plant Abiotic Disorders by Charlotte Oliver Nutrient Management by Amanda Bly Explanation of Soil Tests (a link to VCE publication) Plant disease Clinic Sample Preparation and submission by Charlotte Oliver If...
Grape Disease Management Tips from Mizuho Nita (Grape Pathologist at Virginia Tech)